Tripe with fried chickpeas Firstly, put the tripe in boiling water for 10 minutes and, meanwhile, cook the vegetables over a low heat for 15 minutes, at which point add the well cleaned tripe, the ham hock and the spices. Cover with water and cook on a very low heat for 2:30 Hrs. Remove the tripe cleaned of vegetables, strain the stock and, in a separate pan, fry the ham, chorizo and black pudding previously chopped into very small cubes, add a pinch of flour, a teaspoon of paprika and the strained stock, bring to the boil and add the tripe cleaned of vegetables. Cook for 5 more minutes with the fried tomato and leave to rest for at least 24 hours.

When ready to serve, heat and serve with some cooked chickpeas, which we have fried in a frying pan, and some fresh mint leaves.

Time: 3:00Hrs

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